The truth is that it is an operating system that I don’t know much about.
My approach to the PC is at school.
I had my first computer in my teens.
For a very short period of my life I used Windows, I don’t even know what version it has now.
When I got my computer I used Windows and soon after I started using Linux distributions.
At 23, I started using MacOS for work. I find it similar to Linux Ubuntu but more stable.
I don’t understand how people use git on windows, maybe install github desktop.
I know you can put a terminal and emulate bash.
I feel comfortable when I have a console, it is not common to use it in Windows and I think they are taking away from me the most important thing in an operating system.
I recommend that people who do not use one due to lack of knowledge do so, as they miss out on comfort and a lot of other things.